
1963 - George Hunter and Keith Domnick setup domnick hunter in the North East of the UK

1972 - George Hunter developed high efficiency filter and launched Oil-X Plus filter

1975 - PSI Global( Head office) setup by George Hunter and Sue Hunter developed small separator moudled process with subseuquent patented improvements

1978 - Patent for filter silencer

1979 - Patent for pleating of glass microfibre

1988 - Patent for drainage layer with flurocarbon treatment

1988 - 2006 - Continous develoments of drainage layer

1989 - Queen's award for export

1996 - ISO9001 Quality Certifications

1997 - Representation in the ISO standards committee

2000 - New moudded process patents

2007 - Invented SoLo Separator

2011 - Setup PSI Asia Office and specialise in manufacturing of PSI compressed air treatment products

